
Wildland Fire Hazard Analysis and Mitigation

Sure-Fire can provide you with the necessary tools in planning and in mitigating the risk of fire in WUI areas. 

We provide practical solutions and prepare information for use by residents, municipal officials, land use planners, structural and wildland firefighters, and industries that operate in the wildland/urban interface.  

By applying state-of-the-art fire science to wildfire planning and mitigation, our approach is innovative and continually evolving using the latest technologies and research available such as the new Wildfire Management Tool (WMT), a software program developed by Bruce Shubert of Emxsys and augmented by Marc Castellnou.   WMT merges the art of wildland firefighting and the science of fire behavior—it couples the language and logic of The Campbell Prediction System with the fire spread equations developed by Richard Rothermel and state of the art software that produces an easy to understand 3-D graphic fire spread analysis.

Wildland fire hazard analysis, planning and mitigation services:

  • Community Risk Assessments
  • Community Wildfire Prevention Plans
  • Fireswise Development Planning
  • Urban Interface Wildfire Defense Strategies
  • Hazardous Fuels Reduction Planning, Implementation and Monitoring
  • Parkland Wildfire Management Plans
  • Structural Ignitability Solutions
  • Fire Behavior Modeling
  • On-the-Ground Hazard and Risk Analysis

Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

  • Pre-fire and Pre-incident Plans
  • Structure Protection Plans
  • Evacuation Plans

Collaboration and Support

  • Community Outreach
  • Public Education Programs
  • Grant Application Support

Inventory and Assessment

  • Precision Mapping, GIS Products
  • Fuel and Vegetation Mapping and Inventories
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
  • Wildlife Assessments
  • Post-fire Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation

Through aggressive planning and preparation, the risks of catastrophic wildfire can be greatly reduced.  The professionals at Sure Fire specialize in all aspects wildland fire hazard analysis, planning and mitigation.

Free Course - Be Prepared for Wildfire

Free Course - Be Prepared for Wildfire