
Links of Professional Interest and Assistance

Training and Development

    Center for Leadership Development :: Essential review material for those seeking self improvement in their career advancements.

    NWCG Position Task Books :: Task oriented training and certifications related to Operational Firefighting~ Task books ensure completion of assignments and the quality of assignments while maintaining a track of accountability by the signature of the evaluator

    Basic Firefighter Requirements Information :: General Outlook of firefighter requirements throughout the USA

    Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher :: Great resource for Annual Refresher Training

    Lessons Learned :: A recommended training and education site committed to the safety of all through past tragedy and near miss assignments. Committed to the improvement of standard operations.

    Apply for the Oxnard Regional Fire Academy :: We support the level of High Efficiency and Safety through training and developmental education this program has to offer! Young people! Review and apply.....

    California Wildland Fire Coordinating Group :: A great place to review the relationship between all agencies and how the standards are unified to meet the basics in all organizations!

    California State Fire Marshall's Office :: Great place to review general information and requirements

    Federal Emergency Management Association :: FEMA as it relates to Federal Standards interfacing all training and educational standards in the emergency response industry. NIMS servers as to common denominator to all related (Like Kind) training in emergency services.

    National Wildland Coordination Group :: Current Course Related Materials and Standards Related to Training and Development

Fire Operations and Suppression

    California's State Fire Department (CAL FIRE) :: A multitude of resources and information available through the States' Fire Website

    CALIFORNIA STATE CURRENT EMERGENCY INCIDENTS :: Current firefighting incidents in the State of California

    Southern California Geographic Area Command Center :: A multi Agency Interface for the purpose of successful management of complex operations in Southern California affecting all agencies

    Wildland Firefighting Links :: Highly used throughout the Nation and essential to those in the industry....

    Storm King Mountain Technologies :: Burn-over protection products to wildland fire fighters, using the latest in space-age materials and manufacturing techniques.

Homeowner Tools

    Firewise For the homeowner :: Tools and information to assist homeowners in their level of awareness related to wild fires

    State of California Department of Insurance :: A key site for review of related topics affecting properties threatened by wildfire.

    Homeowner Assessment Tools :: A great informational to increase community awareness related to the threat of wildfire

    Central Ventura County FireSafe Council :: Non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the threat of wildfire in Ventura County.